Customer Testimonials

Very good place



Absolutely wonderful staff that is always so helpful and friendly. High quality items in the shop and in the landscaping area. I’ve gotten clothing, purses, decor here… They have a little of everything!



This store has fantastic, fun and unusual clothing. The woman who runs it is spunky and fun. If she is in the store she is always welcoming and inclusive. She will stop and say hello. She picks clothing designs that are unique and interesting, with the extra flair that sets the pieces apart. This boutique also has sales all the time – so watch for those.



One of my favorite places in town to shop for that perfect gift or something special for yourself, and outstanding customer service!



Beautiful clothes and gift idea’s.



It is always best to check their in-store values posted . Some times there is a bargin waiting to happen, otherwise this is a high end store, in my estimation. Value is in the eye of the beholder.



What a wonderful collection of things!



Great store. Great merchandise.
